See an Orange Unicycle

Andy unicycles too

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We can even talk about an orange unicycle

Andy Unicycles Too: 2020

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Where oh where?

Andy with his unicycle lake side in a new window

Andy with his unicycle lake side in a new window
Andy with his unicycle lake side in a new window

Orange Rocks!

Orange Rocks!
Orange Rocks!


Ride On! photos

Ride on photos

Monday, December 7, 2020

There is no voter fraud?

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Friday, November 13, 2020



- This tile roof had a serious leak into the living room and the home owner never fixed it for many years. She said "It would only leak once in a while and never really became much of a bother." Over time the roof decking boards became soft with a fin layer of fungus or wood rot. A wire brush and some liquid fungicide (Copper-Green) got rid of it in preparation for the permanent surface patch. The board would have been super difficult to remove and replace. Thankfully, "ROOFING MASTIC & FIBERGLASS FABRIC, TO THE RESCUE." It won't leak here for a million years...

Sunday, September 6, 2020


- Thanks for stopping by to see this and to enjoy all of the things that are enjoyable to see. - Remember this, Einstein once said... "I'd rather live this life pretending that there is a GOD and finding out that there isn't, than to live pretending that there is no GOD and finding out there is." -

Sunday, June 28, 2020

The last Sunday in June

 Peddling  away on my unicycle, trying my best to make it to the top of the hill, a woman wearing a big smile was resting in the cool shade from an overhanging tree.

She was breathing heavy as she sipped water from her bike bottle. The bike path was on the sun-side of the hill and the only shady spot was cool patch at the crest of the hill before it levels off for a few feet before turning into another steep climb.

She never took her eyes off of me and as I got closer, she said with a bright voice and aloud voice “Wow, that looks very hard.” 

I nodded at her with a smile and said “Sometimes”

I crept past her not wanting to say anything because I needed air and to get ready for the next impending climb.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Friday, April 3, 2020

Hey - Funtime

Having a commuter unicycle makes the normal ride so much more fun and exciting because of the fast pace. It totally reminds me of the feeling that I got years ago when I ran cross country in high school.